Support Us

Support Thread

  • Your support opens doors for overseas outreach and enables worshippers to experience Prophetic dance and other dance workshops.

  • Provides funding for our team to create good quality dance resources.

  • You can give any amount to support Thread.

Payment Methods

Pay to UEN 53409300X via PayNow or Bank Transfer. Under reference, please state “your full name - Support Thread”

Sponsor someone you know for a series of classes.

Fill in the form below this section!

**Sponsor to fill this

Bless a Thread Scholar

Fill in the form below this section!

**Sponsor to fill this

Payment Methods for Sponsors

- Kindly make payment to UEN 53409300X. 

- Under reference, please type “your full name - sponsor” 

- Take a screenshot of your transaction receipt and email us at Kindly state your name and the type of support you are giving to.

- If you are sponsoring someone you know for a series of classes, kindly take note that the participant has to submit the registration form to sign up for the workshop they are interested in.

Once payment has been made, they shall be no refund or prorating.